
Digital Democracies

Digital Democracies is a pioneering national project, led by Threshold Studios, exploring the intersection of technology, art and public space.

At its heart this project is interrogating the concept of placemaking and asking what role can art and technology play in reinvigorating our public spaces for the future. How can culture and technology alchemise to make a positive and lasting impact on our public spaces?

Digital Democracies brings together three of the UK’s leading commissioning agencies and festivals:

Festivals-led, the project combines expertise across art in the public realm, digital innovation, social impact and place-based partnerships with global industry networks and national audiences.

“Bringing together expertise in outdoor art, digital innovation, social impact and place-based partnerships, we’re really excited about this project. Digital Democracies will ensure that audiences across the UK can benefit from innovative digital art in the public realm – working with artists to explore and share their own sense of place, identify and society.

 “Festivals are incredibly well placed to lead the development of this exciting area of work. The experience of outdoor democratic spaces, audience diversity, place-based partnerships, and collaborative working are part of their DNA.”

 – Donna Close, Associate Director of Threshold Studios

Find out more



Digital Democracies is about testing new work, engaging audiences and opening up discussions around public art, shared spaces and creative technology. Click on the links to find out more about each area of the programme

Find out about our ethos

Commissioning for public spaces

Digital Democracies is committed to pushing forward new, experimental work. Explore the work we have commissioned here

Visit our commissions page

Supporting Digital Creativity

Learn from artists and creatives working in digital and emerging practices

Watch our masterclass recordings

Developing Talent and New Practice

We are committed to testing and exploring new routes for talent development, whether that is emerging talent, new practice and process or technology focused.

See our past talent development events

Co-Designing With Communities

We have collaborated with people from communities that we engage and inhabit, to bring forward authentic voices from underrepresented groups

See how we've worked with communities

Amplifying Voices and Ideas

A space for inspiring, engaging, and provocative ideas, here you will find exclusive content from across the cultural sector

Read our Digital Democracies blog

By connecting partners from across the technology sector, universities, local authorities and artists, we aim to support, strengthen and invigorate digital innovation in the cultural sector. It will improve and diversify the opportunities afforded by technology through democratising access to networks, expertise and opportunities for artists, producers and audiences.

– Samantha Lindley, Creative Director, Threshold Studios

“ Digital Democracies will ensure that audiences across the UK can benefit from innovative digital art in the public realm – working with artists to explore and share their own sense of place, identity and society.”

– Donna Close, Associate Director, Threshold Studios.


Digital Democracies is supported using public funding by Arts Council England and by Threshold Studios, Freedom Festival Arts Trust and Lighthouse through their partners and funders. Find out more about Digital Democracies partners on our About page.