
Creative Engagement

Threshold believes that Creative Engagement can genuinely change people’s lives and be a force for social change. 

We work with under-represented voices and diverse communities across the UK and beyond, reaching key groups in neighbourhoods who do not typically engage with cultural or creative activity. 

We deliver a wide range of creative activities and workshops spanning film-makingcreative writing, digital photography and music production.  Through our international project Cámara Chica we have set up 10 film making hubs throughout Cuba and Venezuela since 2013, which is continuing to grow. And our Collider Conversations series in the Midlands re-invents a panel discussion with diversity and digital democracy at it’s heart.  

Our Creative Engagement programme works in collaboration with communities to create a lasting social impact and legacy.  Projects respond to the social issues faced by communities and the unique characteristics of the area.   

Creative Engagement at Threshold aims: 

  • To connect with, build trust and develop ongoing working relationships with communities ensuring there is a lasting impact and positive change in these areas.
  • To treat people as human beings who have thoughts, feelings and opinions and not just someone who ticks a box.
  • To champion engagement projects and activities that address relevant social issues such as race, class and austerity.
  • To empower participants to become co-authors, take the lead in participatory projects.  

To find out more or to discuss a potential collaboration, contact us on online@thresholdstudios.tv. 
